
Gaurav Narkhede

Programmer Analyst

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Docker Desktop Access Denied Error

I got "You are not allowed to use Docker. You must be in the docker-users group." error when I started docker desktop for the first time after installing it. It's easy to fix this error. I just needed to - Open Computer Management as an administrator. Open docker-users group under Local Users and Groups Groups. Add current user in the docker-users group. Restart the computer. Read more  |  Comments

How to Read Results of Transact Sql FOR XML Select Statement?

In SQL Server we can retrieve results of a Transact SQL query as XML by using FOR XML clause as demonstrated below. Database table named Persons. Transact SQL query SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName = 'Doe' FOR XML PATH ('Person'), ROOT ('Persons') Results of the Transact SQL query <Persons> <Person> <Key>1</Key> <FirstName>John</FirstName> <LastName>Doe</LastName> </Person> <Person> <Key>2</Key> <FirstName>Jane</FirstName> <LastName>Doe</LastName> </Person> <Person> <Key>3</Key> <FirstName>James</FirstName> <LastName>Doe</LastName> </Person> <Person> <Key>4</Key> <FirstName>Jena</FirstName> <LastName>Doe</LastName> </Person> </Persons> We can use following C# code to read the results of Transact SQL query that uses FOR XML clause. Read more  |  Comments

Set up SSH for Bitbucket on Windows

Introduction In this blog post we are going to learn how to use SSH for Bitbucket on Windows. Prerequisites I am using Windows 10 and Cmder. How to establish the authenticity of the host? Lets try to clone a repository using SSH. git clone Git is asking us to establish the authenticity of and we have been presented with the RSA key fingerprint for bitbucket. Read more  |  Comments

Studying empty visual studio template for ASP.NET Core 1.0 Part 1 – Structure on File System

Introduction In this series of blog posts I am going to study the empty visual studio template for ASP.NET Core. Create empty visual studio template for ASP.NET Core Create a new ASP.NET Web Application. Choose empty template for ASP.NET Core (ASP.NET 5 in the figure below). Structure on File System After creating a new web application using empty Visual Studio template for ASP.NET Core we get the following structure on the file system. Read more  |  Comments

Learning .NET Core Part 3 – Bare Minimum Application

Introduction In this tutorial we are going to create a bare minimum DNX application. Development Setup Lets make sure that we have DNVM set up correctly and we have the desired version of DNX installed. Installing DNVM We looked at DNVM in the last tutorial. To install the DNVM just run following from the windows command prompt. @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "{$Branch='dev';iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))} Or run following from PowerShell. Read more  |  Comments

Learning .NET Core Part 2 – DNX, DNVM and DNU

Introduction In this post we are going to learn about some of the tools used for creating .NET Core applications. .NET Core applications can be created with or without the Visual Studio. In this post we are going to look at the cross platform command line tools, such as DNX, DNVM and DNU, to create .NET Core applications. DNX Before we start learning about DNX it is helpful if we take a brief look at how . Read more  |  Comments

Learning .NET Core Part 1 – What is .NET Core ?

Introduction In this series of blog posts we are going to learn about the next version of .NET i.e. .NET Core. I am learning the next version of .NET and in that process I read some articles, tutorials, blog posts and watch related videos. This series of blog posts is basically the gist of what I am learning. At the end of each post, in the References section, I am going to post links to all the material that I consulted for that particular post. Read more  |  Comments